Thursday, January 25, 2007

Your Story

Dear CMTers,

I apologize for not blogging as often lately--life has been rather hectic, which I'll explain more in the Patella Trials "series".

When I first had the idea to create this blog, my first job was to think of a title. I figured that "Life With CMT" was appropriate, since that was what I was going to write about, my life with CMT. However, I think that to really understand CMT (and I do want more people to understand it), you need to hear more than one person's story. So I'm asking you to give me your story. Tell me your life with CMT. Depending on how many stories I can collect, I'll most likely either put them in their own posts, or have a section for them when my website is finished.

Let me give you some more details for those of you who think this is something you might want to do:

  • Please include which type of CMT you have, if you know.
  • Let me know if I should include your name or leave it anonymous.
  • You can either write it like a mini-bio, or do it in an interview form. If you'd like it to be more of an interview, which is fine, you can have me email you a list of questions to get you started. Some examples-
  • When did you begin to notice signs of your CMT?
  • When were you diagnosed with it, and with what type?
  • How has it affected your life and what ways do you use to deal with it?
  • etc.
  • Write it however you feel most comfortable.
  • It can be as long or short as you like.

You can email me your story at, or my personal email, Just make sure to include CMT in the title of your email.

If you have any questions or comments, please either leave them in a comment in this post or feel free to email me.

Thank you all!


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